Online Gift Evening From the Comfort of your own sofa!! 16th September 8pm straight after Corrie!!
Sit back and watch LIVE on facebook as CaLi Creations present the new lines on the run up to Christmas.... Its not just all about Soap Flowers you know!! Tune in at 8pm on the 16th on my facebook page calicreationshampersandgifts

Hi, Hope everyone is well with all the new rules and regulations in place post lockdown. Its certainly been a strange few months. I now run CaLi Creations full time, and am absolutely loving it. I so enjoy putting gifts together, and sourcing new and unique products to bring to the table. The soap flower bouquets are of course our best sellers, and I do get very giddy when I get a delivery of flower heads to make up into beautiful bouquets. Sometimes my ideas don’t always go to plan, like the purchase of a load of large leaves to go in the transporter vases, that just looked ridiculous so that idea was binned! I’ve been really busy over the past few weeks researching trends, and trying to find the right gifts for CaLi Creations to sell. You will see all of these when you tune in LIVE on the 16th September, for the gift evening. There are gifts for all genres this year, as I think in the past I haven’t had enough of a range. As I mentioned earlier, CaLi Creations, are by the main, a company that are about putting products together to make a unique gift, and I think you will see that in the new launch. However, having said that, most of the products will be available to purchase individually on the website. Also in terms of delivery charges, if multiple items are going to the same address, you will only be charged the one delivery cost. For example as long as your parcel is under one KG, whatever you choose to have in it, it will just be £2.90 as long as its going to the same address.
I really hope you get to tune in on the 16th at 8pm, ……just simply go to my facebook page calicreationshampersandgifts to watch, and perhaps do a bit of early christmas shopping!! The website will be updated with the new products by then too.
Thanks for reading, and your continued support